Here’s Cheers to Poor Mental Health!

Michael Forman
2 min readApr 1, 2024

Not everyone dreads the darkness. It’s where the glass is half-black!

I sit alone in the dimly lit corner of the bar, nursing my drink like it’s the elixir of life itself. The clinking of glasses and distant laughter swirl around me, but I’m cocooned in my own world of shadows. It’s where I belong, where my mind finds solace in the chaos that rages within.


Tonight, I raise my glass not in defiance, but in celebration of the madness that courses through my veins. For too long, I’ve tried to silence the whispers in my head, to drown out the cacophony of doubts and fears. But now, I embrace them like old friends, for they are the only companions I’ve ever truly known.

As I sip my poison, my thoughts drift to those who came before me, those who found fame in their descent into darkness. Vincent van Gogh, the tortured genius whose brushstrokes captured the turmoil of his mind. They called him mad, but in his madness, he found a beauty that eluded the sane.

I wonder what he would think of me, sitting here in the depths of despair, finding comfort in the bottom of a glass. Would he see a kindred spirit, a soul lost in the wilderness of its own making? Or would he shake his head in pity, lamenting the waste of potential?

But tonight, I refuse to dwell on such thoughts. Tonight, I am alive in my despair, revelling in the twisted dance of my thoughts. For in this darkness, I find a freedom that the world outside cannot offer. Here, there are no expectations, no judgments-only the sweet embrace of oblivion.

I raise my glass once more, a toast to the broken souls who wander the labyrinth of their minds. To Sylvia Plath, who turned her pain into poetry, and Edgar Allan Poe, who found beauty in the macabre. They may have been condemned by society, but in their madness, they found a kind of immortality.

So here’s cheers to poor mental health, to the demons that haunt us and the shadows that guide us. For in our madness, we find a strange sort of salvation, a flicker of light in the darkest of nights. And as long as there are stars to guide us, we will never truly be alone in the abyss.



Michael Forman

Dark, intimate, deadly storytelling. Is it fact or fiction? Homesite: for more detail