Listening is a Perfect Male Trait

Michael Forman
3 min readJun 15, 2024


Unless the information he gathers is weaponised.

Women often complain that men don’t listen. That may be entirely true, but what about the guy who is too attentive and too inquisitive? Is there a point of excess for men who listen all the time? Is it possible for men to know too much about a woman?

Some men pry. Prying can be taken as showing genuine concern, but there’s also a point when it gets creepy. His questions keep coming long after she’s run out of things to say. It’s almost as if he’s waiting for something else to come, perhaps a slip-up or encouraging another truth to fall from her lips.

It’s a volatile relationship for any girl who becomes involved with such a control freak.

And then there’s the silent one. This one appeals to many women. They think they can open him up and get him to share his innermost secrets with her — a worthy prize if she achieves such a result. Prizes aside, a silent gentleman isn’t a sign of a willingness to share anything, much less his innermost secrets. He’s simply a quiet man who has nothing to say.

The stalker is another version of a guy who listens extremely well. He’ll even press an ear against a wall if it’s necessary to do so. He’ll know which day she’ll hang out her washing and what songs she has on high rotation in her playlist. For the techno-stalker, he’ll even get into her computer from a remote location and listen to her that way.

He can turn on her laptop’s microphone. It’s not that hard to do.

He’s willing to wait for that inconspicuous microphone to pick up every subtle sound and broadcast it right into his ears. Like a sniper slowing his heartbeat, our listener slips on his headphones, shuts his eyes and settles back to enjoy her noises — building a picture of her life through her domestic sounds.

She’s alone again — and it’s been like that for days. She had another argument with her soon-to-be ex-husband last night. She was on the phone with him, and he heard it all. Divorce is imminent. She told him not to come looking for her.

She’s stepping into the shower, turning on the water and crying. It’s been a hard few months for her.

There will be a time when she’ll date men again, but it won’t be today. She’s too angry and hurt for that. When this feeling passes, she’ll have something to prove to herself. That’s when our mystery listener will make his move. He’ll know exactly where to find her. It’s been months in the making.

The water stopped. That’s her bare feet making contact with the floor. Can you hear them? That’s what naked sounds like.

He knows when she leaves for work, returns home, does her shopping and, more importantly, how much she tells her family and friends about the breakup, the divorce proceedings and other men who may enter her life in between times. If she holds back some information, he’ll smile for it. Secretive women make better victims.

They’ll meet by chance. He’ll say and do all the right things. It’ll be a brief encounter, little more than a chat and a smile. He’ll apologise for having to leave so soon, and she’ll be left wondering if he was the one. He was a very nice guy. And he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.

First contact is done to make first impressions — and so that he can listen to the results of it in his headphones later. Will she tell her friends, or will she keep him to herself?

The test will be repeated, and if she passes, there will be a proper date. It will be the last one she ever has. Her husband will have many questions to answer.

There is much for men to learn about women simply by listening to them. It’s important to listen carefully.




Michael Forman

Dark, intimate, deadly storytelling. Is it fact or fiction? Homesite: for more detail