Someone Must Know. He Will Be Found. There’s Always Hope.

Michael Forman
4 min readSep 10, 2023


Time might heal some wounds but not all. They leave lasting scars that show the devastating effects of the weapon that caused them.

In 2001, the bodies of six women were found after nights of wild storms. No one stood trial for these serial crimes. Police are asking for your help to find a killer.

It’s tempting to overlook this recent police request due to the passage of time that’s passed between ’01 and now. Most people believe it’s not relevant anymore, therefore there’s no reason to worry.

There should be.

This serial killer lives near you — we’re certain of it — and their crimes went unpunished. Several families have lived with scars from these vicious attacks and they still don’t know why it happened. You may not know these strangers or the women who tragically lost their lives that summer but you might know the person who did it. The statistics suggest it. You know this person. You’ve made contact with them at some point since then.

There’s another thing.

Ninety percent of serial killers will kill again. Serial killers don’t get bored and go away. They kill. That’s what they do. The urge to want to continue their folly is far too great for them to stop. The next victim may not be you but someone you know. You can change this. Apply a little time to this post before the next victim falls and ends up on the nightly news bulletin.

“It’s just a matter of time when the killer or killers will be caught. A member of the public will know them. They will be a neighbor or a work colleague, perhaps even a family member. They have probably bragged about killing someone in the past and getting away with it. They may have suffered from an injury or a significant illness at some point after 2001.”

Operation Kurdaitcha was the original investigatory body that looked into these vicious but bizarre murders in the summer of ‘01.

It found that apart from the weather events that took place during each murder, the murderer/s didn’t appear to use an external weapon of any kind. They used their bare hands.

Few lines of investigation ever led to arresting a suspect much less making a conviction.

Alan Sweetman who led this specialised crime unit at the time said this afternoon:

“Just as we [Op-Kurd] were forming, the murders suddenly stopped. We thought the bikeway rapist may have been our perpetrator, but he was already in custody when Ms DeJong’s body was found. All we know is it’s going to happen again. We’re asking the public to visit our Crimestoppers webpage and take a look at some photos there. If they have any information about the victims on the nights, they went missing or sense they know a perpetrator, to make contact with us. They may remember something they previously overlooked, no matter how small.”

The case was scaled down at the end of 2002 but remains open and active today.

“He or they could’ve moved interstate and committed murders elsewhere but we don’t believe this is the case. Until we receive new information, we’re convinced they are still here in this state but suffered a setback of some sort. It kept them from killing again. At this point, we’re unable to proceed any further. We need help from the public. Someone will know this individual or individuals. The families need closure and we have to take a vicious killer, or killers, off the streets. Someone will know something, for sure.”

Kurdaitcha led his victims into the woodland, raping and choking them until they died. Police suspect that all six women knew their killer but aren’t sure how. There are indications they had secret affairs.

‘Serial killer used dating sites.’

“The problem we have with online dating sites is that it can be hard to track down users. If someone doesn’t want to be found, they can remain hidden. It appears our serial killer knows the technology well. He has found a way to locate and identify vulnerable women through dating profiles and then, by hacking into their computers, he’s able to obtain more information about them. We believe that this is when he decides to make contact.”

“The most disturbing thing we’ve discovered during this investigation is his use of the victim’s own microphones. He accesses their device’s mikes and then listens, sometimes for hours at a time. We know he’s accessed their cameras too but this one likes to listen. They wouldn’t have known this was happening at the time.”

is an Australian indigenous word. At the height of the investigation, Operation Kurdaitcha involved more than thirty officers utilizing the resources of five specialist crime units across two major cities. The last known victim was Nina DeJong. Her body was body found outside her Forest Lake home after a thunderstorm storm in December 2001.

(Article inspired by the Novel SEETHINGS)



Michael Forman

Dark, intimate, deadly storytelling. Is it fact or fiction? Homesite: for more detail