The Benefits of Seeking Revenge

Michael Forman
2 min readMar 25, 2024

Seeking revenge is often depicted as a negative or morally questionable pursuit, yet it holds a peculiar allure for many individuals.

While it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of forgiveness, understanding the potential benefits of seeking revenge can shed light on why people are drawn to it.

Firstly, seeking revenge can provide a sense of catharsis. When someone feels wronged or hurt by another individual, the desire for retribution can consume them. Taking action, whether it’s confronting the person directly or finding other means of retaliation, can offer a release of pent-up emotions. This release can feel empowering and help restore a sense of justice.

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Additionally, seeking revenge can serve as a deterrent against future transgressions. By demonstrating that there are consequences for harmful actions, individuals may think twice before engaging in similar behaviour in the future. In some cases, seeking revenge can act as a form of self-defence, signalling to others that one will not tolerate mistreatment or injustice.

Moreover, seeking revenge can foster a sense of closure. For some individuals, letting go of resentment or anger is not possible without first addressing the harm inflicted upon them. By seeking revenge, they hope to balance the scales and find a resolution to the conflict that caused their pain. This closure can be instrumental in the healing process, allowing individuals to move forward with their lives.

Furthermore, seeking revenge can affirm one’s sense of identity and worth. When someone has been wronged, seeking revenge can be a way of asserting their value and asserting their boundaries. It sends a message that they refuse to be victimized and will take action to protect themselves. In this way, seeking revenge can be a form of self-empowerment, reclaiming agency in the face of adversity.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that seeking revenge is not without its risks and drawbacks. It can perpetuate a cycle of violence and escalate conflicts, leading to further harm for all parties involved. Additionally, it may prevent individuals from finding true healing and closure, as the focus remains fixated on the past rather than on moving forward.

Alternatively, all it may take to move forward and let go of the past is to deliver a good dose of revenge at an optimum time. If the method of revenge used is right, escalation can’t occur. There’s a conclusion and it has an in-built happy ever after too.

My story is like that. It’s revenge doesn’t seek forgiveness or wish to be boastful. It simply seeks to right a deeply personal wrong and do it quietly. One way or another, there will be justice and closure. It’ll be perfect in every way.


Originally published at on March 25, 2024.



Michael Forman

Dark, intimate, deadly storytelling. Is it fact or fiction? Homesite: for more detail